Tell Me the Message Behind the Book the Art of War

The Book in Three Sentences

Know when to fight and when not to fight: avoid what is strong and strike at what is weak. Know how to deceive the enemy: appear weak when you are strong, and stiff when you are weak. Know your strengths and weaknesses: if you know the enemy and know yourself, you demand not fear the event of a hundred battles.

The Fine art of War summary

This is my volume summary of The Art of State of war by Dominicus Tzu. My notes are informal and oft contain quotes from the book equally well as my ain thoughts. This summary likewise includes key lessons and of import passages from the book.

  • "According as circumstances are favorable, i should modify one's plans."
  • "All warfare is based on deception. Hence when able to assault nosotros must seem unable. When using our forces nosotros must seem inactive. When we are near nosotros make the enemy believe we are far away. When far abroad nosotros must brand the enemy believe we are near."
  • "Announced weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak."
  • "If he is superior in strength, evade him."
  • "Attack him where he is unprepared. Appear where yous are not expected."
  • "The general who loses a battle makes but few calculations beforehand."
  • "At that place is no instance of a country having benefitted from prolonged warfare."
  • "A wise general makes a signal of foraging on the enemy. One cartload of the enemy'southward provisions is equivalent to 20 of 1's own."
  • "Supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy'southward resistance without fighting."
  • "The worst strategy of all is to besiege walled cities."
  • "There are five essentials for victory: He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight. He volition win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces. He will win who'due south regular army is animated by the same spirit throughout all information technology'south ranks. He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared. He will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign."
  • "If y'all know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If y'all know yourself, simply not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you lot volition succumb in every boxing."
  • "One may know how to conquer without being able to do it."
  • "In war, the victorious strategist only seeks boxing after the victory has been won."
  • "In battle, in that location are non more ii methods of attack: the directly and indirect."
  • "An army may march swell distances without distress if it marches through country where the enemy is not."
  • "You can be sure in succeeding in your attacks if yous merely attack places which are undefended."
  • "Military tactics are like water. For h2o, in its natural course, runs abroad from loftier places and hastens downwardly. So, in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and strike at what is weak."
  • "Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as nighttime, and when yous move fall like a thunderbolt."
  • "Ponder and deliberate earlier you make a movement."
  • "A clever general, therefore, avoids an regular army when its spirit is neat, but attacks it when it is sluggish and inclined to render."
  • "Information technology is a military precept not to advance uphill against the enemy nor to oppose him when he comes downhill."
  • "The fine art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy not coming, only on our readiness to receive him."
  • "Make your manner by unexpected routes and assault unguarded spots."
  • "If they will face death, there is nada they will not achieve."
  • "The principle on which to manage an army is to gear up up one standard of courage which all must attain."
  • "If it is to your advantage, make a frontwards move. If not, stay where yous are."

The Fine art of War past Lord's day Tzu

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